How often do you feel overwhelmed or overstimulated by your surroundings?
- Rarely or never
- Occasionally
- Frequently
- Almost always
How easily do you recover from stressful situations?
- Very quickly
- Within a few hours
- It takes a day or more
- I struggle to recover
How often do you experience physical symptoms of stress, such as muscle tension, headaches, or digestive issues?
- Rarely or never
- Occasionally
- Frequently
- Almost always
How would you describe your sleep quality?
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
How often do you feel anxious or worried?
- Rarely or never
- Occasionally
- Frequently
- Almost always
How would you describe your overall energy levels?
- High and stable
- Mostly stable with occasional dips
- Fluctuating frequently
- Consistently low
How easy is it for you to manage your emotions?
- Very easy
- Mostly easy with occasional challenges
- Somewhat challenging
- Very challenging
How satisfied are you with your social connections and relationships?
- Very satisfied
- Mostly satisfied
- Somewhat satisfied
- Not satisfied
How connected do you feel to a sense of purpose or meaning in your life?
- Deeply connected
- Mostly connected
- Somewhat connected
- Not connected
How often do you engage in activities that bring you joy or a sense of awe?
- Frequently
- Occasionally
- Rarely
- Never